Institutional Facilities

Facilities in Kashmir Government Polytechnic College Srinagar

The institute from the day of its established has been developed into one of the pioneer engineering institutes of the state. The institute has got sufficient facilities at present but under its expansion plan new facilities are being added with the assistance of World Bank under the Technical Education Project III 

Facilities in Kashmir Government Polytechnic

: 6.5 acres total area at present. More land being acquired for   further expansion.
: the institute has 15 building blocks. 2 more are under   construction.
: 21 Modern Laboratories are at the disposal of students: More   are being established.
: 13 well equipped Work-Shops. 2 more major work-shops   being established.
Class Rooms
: 10 large well furnished, well ventilated with full natural light.   more under construction.
: An modern auditorium. presently under renovation.
Learning Resource Utilization Center
: Audio & Video facilities, reading material on technical   education.
: Adequate Hostel Facilities. New hostel and more staff   quarters under construction.
: LAN & 128 kbps - 24 hour Internet connectivity through RF   link of STPI.
Industry Support
: A strong institute - industry - community interaction cell   functioning in the institute.
Training & Placement Cell
: A well established T & P cell provide counseling and guidance   to students & staff.
Community Polytechnic Wing
: Develops manpower for industry & transfer of technology,   technical support/services.
: Electric Generators of 100 KVA Generation Capacity. Sufficient   battery backup.
: The library of Kashmir Government Polytechnic is a place    every one loves to visit and spend some time in its cool,    neat & tidy and peaceful environment. There are almost 50    thousand books on all subjects. 70% books are related to    engineering and technology. There is a vast collection of CDs    as well. The books and other material is well maintained and    a highly sophisticated Library Information System software    has been installed in the library. Thus every function of the    library is computerized. The library has also got a large    collection of magazines and journals. Magazines and    Journals which are subscribed regularly by the library are as: